Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Rules Of This Blog

Because the WWW can often be thought of as a "Wild West", I thought it'd be a good idea to set some ground rules about what is acceptable and what isn't. Violation of any of these rules is just as serious as any other school policy infraction.

1. BE RESPECTFUL. Don’t say anything to offend others. Any degrading, offensive, or insulting comments will result in you receiving zeros for your assignments and eventually being banned. Also, do not comment-spam other people.

2. NO ANONYMOUS COMMENTS. You must be logged in. Any posts where I’m grading you cannot be anonymous (obviously). Actually, you have to be a member of this blog to post, and I'm the only one who can invite.

3. STAY ON TOPIC. Stick to the discussion.

4. CLEAN UP YOUR WRITING. Even though this is a blog, it is a CLASS blog. While I don’t expect you to be formal the way you would in an essay, you should try to tidy up your spelling and grammar as much as possible. NO “TEXT SPEAK.”

5. NO EXCESSIVE GRAPHICS. Only post videos/photos where appropriate, and even then, use discretion.


takeajourney said...
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Ashley Nguyen said...
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